Ohio Populated Places 'h' List


Ohio Populated Places Alphabetical Index

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Ohio "H" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 76 to 147 of 147 records Back 75 Records
Name County
Henry Muskingum
Henry Crossing Washington
Hetzlerville Darke
Hewit Jackson
Hibernia Franklin
Hickersons Cross Roads Morgan
Hickory Lucas
Hickory Carroll
Highland Montgomery
Highway Franklin
Hilliar Knox
Hillman Brown
Hills Pike
Hillsville Mahoning
Hilltown Portage
Hilton Gallia
Hines Richland
Hipples Mills Montgomery
Hiramsburg Morgan
Hixon Athens
Hobarts Corners Lake
Hoboken Perry
Hocking Athens
Hocking Junction Franklin
Holcomb Gallia
Holcombe Paulding
Hollis Gallia
Hollisters Knox
Holly Tuscarawas
Holmes Crawford
Holmesville Marion
Holmesville Scioto
Holt Wood
Home Highland
Home Clermont
Homer Union
Homestead Lucas
Honolulu Highland
Hooleys Logan
Hooven Pickaway
Hoover Marion
Hoovers Corners Sandusky
Hoovers Mills Montgomery
Hope Washington
Hope Ridge Monroe
Hopewell Seneca
Hopkins Lake
Hopperville Hocking
Horace Wayne
Hords Marion
Horne Perry
Horse Shoe Glens Cuyahoga
Horst Cuyahoga
Horton Athens
Horton Harrison
Hortons Carroll
Hoskinsville Morgan
Houcks Knox
Howell Logan
Huber Hancock
Huff Lorain
Huffeysville Greene
Huffmans Morgan
Hulberts Corners Lorain
Hulicks Clermont
Hunter Noble
Hunters Darke
Huntstown Putnam
Huronia Beach Erie
Huston Holmes
Hutson Portage
Hygeia Hamilton
Page 1 2 Back 75 Records
